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Ancestors: Anna Maria Agnes Mathey

Generation 1

1 Anna Maria Agnes Mathey, * 1850 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1919 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland (Parents: See 2), ∞ 1881 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland Gerard Verberkt, * 1840 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1920 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.

Children of Anna Maria Agnes Mathey & Gerard Verberkt:
  1. Wilhelmina Verberkt, * 1881 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1958 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.
  2. Theodor Verberkt, * 1883 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1885 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.
  3. Pieter Martin Verberkt, * 1884 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1943 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.
  4. Maria Cath. Elisabeth Verberkt, * 1886 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1962 Venlo, , Limburg, Nederland.
  5. Anna Margaretha Verberkt, * 1887 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1970 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.
  6. Theodor Verberkt, * 1890 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1960 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland.

Generation 2

2 Antoon Mathey, ∞ Johanna Geurts (See 3).

Children of Antoon Mathey & Johanna Geurts:
  1. Anna Maria Agnes Mathey, * 1850 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland, † 1919 Horst, , Limburg, Nederland (See 1).

3 Johanna Geurts, ∞ Antoon Mathey (See 2).

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